Tuesday 21 November 2006

TheTruth Of Patients Is Always HIdden In Crosses Others Make

Its why someone has to show the real pain

21st June Board Meeting "Tall Trees"

At the meeting I saw
Dave and Dave
One a quiet judge
The other one a cave

It was clear on the arrowground
There was little left to save

History has new ghosts...that's all
Now the symbols of the Trees have gone
And nothing's tall

I rode up in a taxi wagon
Fucked up ankles and a knee
A stick I wound carvings on
Sometimes supported me
Echo words feather danced :

"Bury my heart at wounded tree"

Outside I said to Dave
This is all a cloak of mad and mean
He agreed with a hanging fag
And looking sickly green

Nothing to do
So from my bag
The harmonica bird
Quietly flew
And hit the soul
Pure patient blue

Out came the music of my wards
Of thousands of our hearts
In curving chords

Go on words

Fly to the mountains of the soul

Go on pure birds

Let everyone plant the heart
Make the shared flag
A policy of being whole ....

Ahhhh Dreams .....